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Modest Mussorgsky (1)

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Modest Mussorgsky

1. Pictures at an exhibition (AVI)

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1 Promenade
2 No. 1 "Gnomus"
3 [Untitled] (Interlude, Promenade theme)
4 No. 2 "Il vecchio castello"
5 [Untitled] (Interlude, Promenade theme)
6 No. 3 "Tuileries" (Dispute d'enfants après jeux)
7 No. 4 "Bydlo"
8 [Untitled] (Interlude, Promenade theme)
9 No. 5 "Балетъ невылупившихся птенцовъ" [Balet nevylupivshikhsya ptentsov]
10 No. 6 "Samuel" Goldenberg und "Schmuÿle"
11 Promenade
12 No. 7 "Limoges", le marché (La grande nouvelle)
13 No. 8 "Catacombæ" (Sepulcrum romanum) and "Cum mortuis in lingua mortua"
14 No. 9 "Избушка на курьихъ ножкахъ" (Баба-Яга) [Izbushka na kuryikh nozhkakh (Baba-Yagá)]
15 No. 10 "Богатырскія ворота" (Въ стольномъ городѣ Кіевѣ) [Bogatyrskiye vorota (V stolnom gorode Kiyeve)]

Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai
Georges Prêtre – conductor

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Last Updated (Saturday, 01 March 2014 13:47)

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