Jazz The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391.html Sun, 09 Mar 2025 16:29:53 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management pl-pl Aga Zaryan - A Book Of Luminous Things (2011) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/9676-aga-zaryan-a-book-of-luminous-things-2011.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/9676-aga-zaryan-a-book-of-luminous-things-2011.html Aga Zaryan - A Book Of Luminous Things (2011)

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1. Music like Water
2. Like a He-Bear and She-Bear/Falling Asleep/Eyelashes
3. This Only
4. Eye Mask
5. Autumn Quince
6. Meaning
7. A Gift			play
8. A Parable of the Poppy
9. I Talk to My Body
10. A Song on the End of the World		play
11. On prayer
12. This Word

Aga Zaryan vocals
Michal Tokaj piano
Larry Koonse guitars
Darek Oleszkiewicz double bass
Munyun Go Jackson percussion

Polish Radio String Orchestra Krzysztof Herdzin – conductor


New album by Aga Zaryan which we annouced not so long ago in this note (there is plenty of information there which I will not repeat here) is already available in shops in Poland and worldwide through Blue Note distribution. Aga Zaryan's last record "Looking Walking Being" (2010) was a great success and she was universally acclaimed as top jazz singer in Poland but she also starts to be recognized by audience abroad. That album brought not only great singing by her but also stellar play by her sideman of whom two are present also on her newest album: Munyungo Jackson whose play on percussion enlivens greatly this music and Michał Tokaj who not only is accompanying on piano but co-creates music on this album since he composed all tunes.

So what we have in this pot and what is the outcome? Whole album is focused around texts which are very deep and moving indeed: most of them are penned by Polish Nobel Prize winner poet Czesław Miłosz and some of his favourite poetess (Jane Hierschfield, Anna Świrszczyńska, Denise Levertov). Tunes are all composed by Michał Tokaj and they are melodious, relaxed and bluesy. On the other hand unlike on "Looking Walking Being" where compositions were of different authors (apart from Tokaj, Larry Koonse, Zbigniew Wegehaupt and David Dorouzka), "A Book of Luminous Thing" lacks the diversity of the previous album though gains on artistic unity. There is also no immediate hit like title track on previous album and closest to that is "Music Like Water" flowing gently and lazily which is good example how Aga Zaryan's music change on this CD: from accessible, optimistic, energetic to more ambitious, pensive and complex.

On top of Miłosz texts and Tokaj writing lays singing of Aga Zaryan's and I bet few jazz vocalists in world will venture on task as difficult as she did on this album. And yet her singing flows so effortlessly, graciously and is yet so communicative that I cannot say anything else but simply praise this splendid effort!

Last but not least is play by Aga's companions: Michał Tokaj apart from composing all tunes supplies her with elegant and lyrical accompaniment on piano, Larry Koonse play on guitar is no worse or better than David Dorouzka's on previous album, Darek Oleszkiewicz lays usually deeply hidden in the background (due to frequent use of strings I suppose) while Munyungo Jackson percussion rides are one of the best instrumental moments in this music. Excellent strings of Polish Radio Orchestra supply a film-like setting for most of the tunes.

So what is my final position on this album? I simply admire it because Aga Zaryan showed truly jazz spirit by totally renewing her musical concept although retaining her own, individual language so well known and appreciated from many of her previous albums. In the result she is providing us with significant achievement that will most probably bring as many approving as disapproving opinions. But that is what is good art all about, isn't it?

PS. BTW birds are singing that sooner or later we will get this music (or similar) with Polish texts. That will be great news for Polish speakers! --- Blue Note, 2011


Nasza pierwszoligowa reprezentantka klasycznego jazzowego śpiewania, tym razem w repertuarze sugerującym już nie klasyczne, a wręcz konserwatywne podejście, bo w interpretacjach anglojęzycznych wersji poezji Miłosza oraz poetek Jane Hirshfield, Anny Świrszczyńskiej i Denise Levertov – autorki tekstów z poprzedniej płyty Agi Zaryan. W dodatku z towarzyszeniem Polskiej Orkiestry Radiowej, co czyni z tej płyty rzecz mniej kameralną niż ujmujące interpretacje wierszy z Powstania Warszawskiego, które wokalistka wydała przed pięcioma laty (tam z kolei pojawiła się poezja Świrszczyńskiej).

Nie obyło się bez kompromisów: tu nastrojowość za cenę różnorodności, tam dostojność za cenę swingu. Ale gdy autorka śpiewa mocnym, soulowym tembrem „Autumn Quince”, w „On Prayer” przyspiesza na chwilę tempo, albo gdy wchodzi orkiestra w pięknym „A Song on the End of the World”, jest więcej niż tylko perfekcyjna technicznie. Gdyby jeszcze udało się sprawić, że ta jej druga firmowana szyldem Blue Note płyta tym razem wyjdzie również za granicą, byłaby ciekawym eksportowym produktem Roku Miłosza. ---Blue Note

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Sun, 10 Jul 2011 08:53:55 +0000
Aga Zaryan - Looking, Walking, Being (2010) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/3940-aga-zaryan-looking-walking-being.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/3940-aga-zaryan-looking-walking-being.html Aga Zaryan - Looking, Walking, Being (2010)

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01 Cherry Tree Avenue 2:42
02 Looking, Walking, Being 4:48
03 Let Me 5:02
04 For The New Year, 1981 4:02
05 The Stars Are As Lonely As Us 5:06
06 Seeking My Love 7:42
07 February Evening In New York 4:04
08 My Name 5:53
09 Temptation Game 6:32
10 Wanting The Moon 5:23
11 What Is This Thing Called Happiness ? 4:39
12 The Thread 6:36

Michał Tokaj – piano,
Michał Barański – bass,
Łukasz Żyta – percussion,
David Dorużka – guitars,
Munyungo Jackson – drums


In Jazz Forum magazine Aga Zaryan's "Looking Walking Being" was voted as best album in 2010. And it certainly deserves your attention especially if you happen to like jazz singers because with this album she simply outclassed any other jazz singer in Poland. Moreover her singing is so individual and unique that she may very well count on being also recognized abroad. In fact she already made significant step in this direction by recording this CD for legendary Blue Note label.

One of the advantages of having behind you marketing power of such a renown company as Blue Note is that potential listerner has plenty of information in English regarding Aga, situation not that typical with other Polish jazz musicians. Let me therefore put in this post only the most basic information plus links of web pages where you can find more extensive informations. Born in 1976 as Agata Skrzypek she attended music schools in Warsaw and was tutored by legendary Polish jazz singer Ewa Bem. Her first album "My lullaby" was issued in 2002 with next "Picking up pieces" coming in 2006 (double platinum status). In 2007 she recorded "Umiera piękno" (when beauty dies) dedicated to those who perished in tragic Warsaw Uprising in 1944 (among them her relatives). For this effort she got Fryderyk Award in 2008 - the most significant prize in Polish music industry and was also nominated for Women Of The Year 2008 Award by Gazeta Wyborcza, one of the most influential newspapers in Poland. Finally she was voted as best jazz vocalist in 2007, 2008 and 2009 by above mentioned Jazz Forum magazine. --- polish-jazz.blogspot.com


Piąta już płyta to autorski album z tekstami piosenek wokalistki Agi Zaryan i wierszami współczesnej amerykańskiej poetki Denise Levertov. Muzykę skomponowali: Michał Tokaj, Larry Koonse (znany ze współpracy z Natalie Cole czy Dianą Krall), David Dorużka i Zbigniew Wegehaupt.

Nagrane zostało dwanaście utworów, w których słychać wpływy bossa novy, samby, rytmów afrykańskich, jazzu, a nawet jazzrocka! Kompozycje zaskakują świeżością i bogactwem tradycji. Stylistycznie materiał na nowa płytę różni się od dotychczasowych dokonań artystki. Ze względu na różnorodność, pozostaje jednak w nurcie szeroko rozumianej muzyki jazzowej. Liryczne, nastrojowe ballady w połączeniu z tekstami Agi Zaryan i filozoficznymi wierszami Denise Levertov, tworzą niepowtarzalny klimat.

Teksty utworów Agi Zaryan to historie związane z doświadczeniami artystki, opisujące jej widzenie rzeczywistości. Dzięki słowom napisanym przez Agę kompozycje nabrały bardzo osobistego charakteru ( np. "My Name", "Cherry Tree Avenue" czy "Temptation Game" ). ---merlin.pl

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Thu, 18 Mar 2010 19:53:23 +0000
Aga Zaryan - My Lullaby (2002) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/3077-my-lullaby.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/3077-my-lullaby.html Aga Zaryan - My Lullaby (2002)

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1. To See a World – William Blake/Michał Tokaj
2. Waltz for Debby – Bill Evans/Gene Lees
3. I’ve Got the World on a String – Harold Arlen/Ted Koehler
4. My Lullaby – Janusz Supernak
5. You and the Night and the Music – Howard Dietz/Arthur Schwatz
6. I Put a Spell on You – Jalacy J. Hawkins
7. Never Said (Chan’s Song)/ Trust Me - Herbie Hancock/Stevie Wonder
8. Still We Dream (Ugly Beauty) – Mike Ferro/Thelonious Monk
9. I Hear Music – Burton Lane/Frank Loesser
10. Polka Dots and Moonbeams – Johnny Burke/Jimmy Van Heusen
Musicians: Aga Zaryan – vocals Tomasz Szukalski – tenor sax Michał Tokaj – piano Darek Oleszkiewicz – bass Łukasz Żyta – drums


In 2002, Aga's debut album "My Lullaby" recorded with a group that included Tomasz Szukalski, Darek Oles Oleszkiewicz, Micha Tokaj and Lukasz Zyta was released. This collection of jazz standards, sung with the backing of a jazz quartet in original and personal interpretations, brought her critical acclaim as one of Poland's premier jazz vocal talents.


Aga Zaryan wybrała i zinterpretowała utwory ważnych dla niej kompozytorów, takich jak Herbie Hancock, Thelonious Monk, czy Bill Evans. Tytułowa "My Lullaby" to piosenka napisana i podarowana jej przez Janusza Supernaka. Z kolei "To See a World" napisał dla Agi Michał Tokaj do słów "Proroctw Niewinności" wielkiego poety Williama Blake'a. Dziesięć wspaniałych piosenek - zarówno standardów, jak też kompozycji współczesnych. ---serpent.pl

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:43:29 +0000
Aga Zaryan - Picking Up The Pieces (2007) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/3794-aga-zaryan-picking-up-the-pieces-2007.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/3794-aga-zaryan-picking-up-the-pieces-2007.html Aga Zaryan - Picking Up The Pieces (2007)

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1 Day Dream
2 Throw It Away
3 Picking Up the Pieces
4 Woman's Work
5 Answer Me, My Love
6 The Man I Love
7 Here's to Life
8 It Might As Well Be Spring
9 Sophisticated Lady
10 Suzanne
11 Tender As a Rose


Aga Zaryan born January 17, 1976 - is an internationally recognized jazz vocalist of the new generation. She is known for her distinctive style, class and intimate approach to singing, with a characteristic lightness of phrasing and warm, slightly matte-toned voice.

Aga was born in Warsaw, Poland. Her father being a classical pianist, and her mother an English language educator and author, she travelled widely throughout Europe with her parents early on, spending part of her childhood and attending primary school in Manchester, UK.

In addition to classical works, both of Aga's parents shared a passion for the music of Stevie Wonder, Weather Report, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, The Beatles, and various other popular artists. This provided Aga with exposure to wide range of contemporary music, starting at an early age. After returning to Poland from the UK she became involved in playing tennis competitively, and went on to win the Warsaw Tennis Championship at the age of 14.

While still in her teens, she also developed a passion for music and theatre. After hearing the music of Ella Fitzgerald and Miles Davis, Aga decided to become a jazz vocalist. She studied voice at the Fryderyk Chopin Public Secondary School of Music, and attended the Post-Secondary Jazz Studies Program there, graduating with honors. Aga was awarded scholarships to attend international Jazz workshops on two occasions: the Stanford Jazz Workshop and Jazz Camp West, both in the United States, where she was able to further develop her vocal skills.

In 2002, Aga's debut album "My Lullaby" – recorded with a group that included Tomasz Szukalski, Darek Oles, Michal Tokaj and Lukasz Zyta - was released. This collection of jazz standards, sung with the backing of a jazz quartet in original and personal interpretations, brought her critical acclaim as one of Poland’s premier vocal talents. Album was nominated for Jazz Record of the Year.

In 2006, Aga performed at the JVC Jazz Festival in Warsaw, opening for Branford Marsalis, an occasion which enabled her to introduce herself to a wider audience as a great performer and sophisticated jazz vocalist. Since that time, Aga has appeared in clubs and at festivals in Poland, England, the USA, Germany, Israel, the Czech Republic, Sweden, France, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Turkey, Portugal, Russia and Iceland.

In 2006 the premiere of "Picking Up the Pieces" took place – an album recorded in Los Angeles with a first-rate international line-up of musicians: Larry Koonse (guitar), Munyungo Jackson (percussion), Nolan Shaheed (cornet) and Darek “Oles” Oleszkiewicz (double-bass). "Picking Up the Pieces" is comprised of a set of eleven songs that tell the stories of women, illustrating their life, emotional and spiritual situations.

Thanks to it's exceptionally intimate feel, the album was very well-recieved critically and enjoyed great commercial success, becoming a Bestseller which achieved double platinum status. With the release of “Picking Up The Pieces”, Aga Zaryan established herself not only as one of Poland's premiere jazz vocalists, but as an artist of international standing. --- zaryan.com

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Mon, 08 Mar 2010 13:55:04 +0000
Aga Zaryan - Remembering Nina & Abbey (2013) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/16334-aga-zaryan-remembering-nina-a-abbey-2013.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/16334-aga-zaryan-remembering-nina-a-abbey-2013.html Aga Zaryan - Remembering Nina & Abbey (2013)

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1. Do not Let Me Be Misunderstood
2. Wild Is The Wind
3. My Baby Cares For Me
4. When Love Was You and Me
5. Long As You're Living
6. I Want Some Sugar In My Bowl
7. Lilac Wine
8. I Got Thunder And It Rings
9. Bird Alone
10. Avec Les Temps
11. Strange Fruit
13. Who Knows Where The Time Goes
13. Beautiful Land

Aga - vocals
Geri Allen – piano
Larry Koonse - guitar
Carol Robbins – harp
Brian Blade – drums


European vocalist Aga Zaryan conveys the finest of jazz to today's audiences, continuing the traditions of great divas like Shirley Horn, Carmen McRae and Joni Mitchell. She is known for her distinctive style and intimate approach to singing with a characteristic lightness of phrasing and slightly matte-toned voice. Warm, engaging and very personal, she’s the unique interpreter of both contemporary and classic jazz repertoire - “A rare gem” they say.

Her reputation as a great performer spans from the Europe to Japan. Her bestselling CD’s “Picking Up The Pieces”, "Looking Walking Being" and “A Book of Luminous Things” have been released on Blue Note Records. She was named Jazz Vocalist of The Year in the European Jazz Forum Magazine's yearly Jazz Top readers' poll in 2007-2012 Yet she is a significant talent that still awaits true mainstream recognition. --- yoshis.com/


“Remembering Nina & Abbey” to album tematyczny, którego bohaterkami są dwie wyjątkowe kobiety: kultowa Nina Simone oraz charyzmatyczna Abbey Lincoln. Na płycie usłyszymy niezapomniane utwory z repertuaru Niny Simone, m.in. “My Baby Just Cares For Me”, “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood”, “Wild is The Wind”, “I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl” czy “Lilac Wine”. Aga Zaryan po raz kolejny łączy na swoim albumie różnorodne style muzyczne: jazz, blues, folk i protest songs.

“Remembering Nina & Abbey” to również spotkanie światowych gwiazd jazzu. Muzycy wykonują kompozycje z niespotykaną swobodą i klasą. Partie wokalne Agi Zaryan przeplatają genialne solówki Geri Allen i Larry’ego Koonsa. Wszystko w akompaniamencie jednego z najwybitniejszych współczesnych perkusistów (Brian Blade). Wybór nie był przypadkowy, wokalistka zaprosiła do współpracy swój “dream team” aby muzycy zinterpretowali na nowo utwory z repertuaru dwóch ikon muzyki XX wieku. Czas wydaje się jak najbardziej odpowiedni, bo rok 2013 to 10-ta rocznica śmierci oraz 80-ta rocznica urodzin Niny Simone.

Płyta będzie również atrakcją dla tych wszystkich, którzy cenią sobie jakość i wierność dźwięku. Album był nagrywany klasyczną techniką z lat 50-tych w legendarnym Conway Recording Studios, Hollywood, California. --- wsm.serpent.pl

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:36:38 +0000
Aga Zaryan - Umiera Piekno [Beauty is Dying] (2007) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/12250-aga-zaryan-umiera-piekno-2007.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/12250-aga-zaryan-umiera-piekno-2007.html Aga Zaryan - Umiera Piekno [Beauty is Dying] (2007)

1. Kalinowym Mostem Chodziłam; 
2. Warszawa Widziana po Raz Trzeci; 
3. Wiersz o Nas i Chłopcach; 
4. Miłość;  
5. Żoliborz; 
6. Umiera Piękno; 
7. Kolęda Warszawska; 
8. Piosenka o Powstaniu; 
9. Miłość (Repryza)

Aga Zaryan - vocals
Michał Tokaj - piano
Michał Barański - bass
Łukasz Żyta – drums


"Beauty is Dying, recorded in the summer of 2007, is Aga Zaryan's first album on which she sings in Polish. On it she is backed by a jazz piano trio, enhanced by a 17-piece string section with harp and oboe. The album contains nine works by Polish poets, depicting scenes of Warsaw at the time of the '44 Uprising in commemoration of the 63rd Anniversary of the Uprising. All songs on the album were selected and sung by Aga herself to original music composed and arranged by pianist Michał Tokaj. Her personal connection to the project stemmed from her family history - her grandmother was a liaison officer and her grandfather had fought in the Kryśka group. The album has been described as lyrical and pulsing with emotion, the delicate string section and laid-back jazz trio melding perfectly with Zaryan's singing. The album received rave reviews, including the following critique from Newsweek's Mariusz Cieślik in August 2007:

The most pleasant musical surprise of recent months. An album recorded to commemorate the anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising could have been expected to be a somewhat bland, rather a musical gesture of patriotism. But this recording by arguably Poland's most interesting jazz vocalist of the younger generation is truly moving. The songs, with texts by participants and witnesses to the Uprising (Krystyna Krahelska, priest Jan Twardowski and Anna Świrszczyńska, among others), make quite an impression. In the finest of them, "Miłość" / "Love", Zaryan approaches the level of master vocalists in the vein of Ewa Demarczyk. These excellently sung pieces, arranged for strings with a jazz rhythm section, contain not one trace of mediocrity of any kind.

On August 4th of that year, Aga performed a concert of pieces from Beauty is Dying at the Warsaw Rising museum. The concert was broadcast live on Polish Public TV and Radio, and attendance was so high that traffic in the immediate vicinity of the venue was gridlocked for hours, as a vast and steady river of people converged on the park. The culmination of the event saw over seven thousand people listening to Zaryan's performance in concentrated silence. The concert went down in history as somewhat of a sociological phenomenon as the audience spanned four generations, with first-hand witnesses to World War II, who were being honoured at the event, along with their children and great-grandchildren. She went on to give concerts of Beauty is Dying in prestigious concert halls and venues throughout Europe.

Later in 2008, Zaryan was accorded the Polish recording industry's highest honors - The Fryderyk Chopin Award for Beauty is Dying as the year's the Best Poetic Album. Later that year her live concert albumLive at Palladium was released as a double CD-DVD album. Guitarist Larry Koonse, bassist Darek Oleszkiewicz and percussionist Darryl Jackson flew in from Los Agneles to join her onstage at the Warsaw venue for the concert, which was described as subtler than her previous concerts. The main body of the repertoire was comprised of songs from the albums Picking Up the Pieces and My Lullaby, some of them with completely new arrangements that took shape over the course of the tour. The album was a commercial, earning triple platinum status. " --- polish-jazz.blogspot.com


Płyta "Umiera piękno" ukazuje się z okazji obchodów 63. rocznicy wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego. Liryczny charakter płyty, utrzymany w poetyce jazzu, ma pokazać "ludzką" twarz Powstania – miłość, radości życia, jego smutki, codzienność, a także uniesienia patriotycznej walki w Powstaniu Warszawskim.

Na płycie znajduje się dziewięć utworów autorstwa Krystyny Krahelskiej, Józefa Żywiny, Anny Świrszczyńska, ks. Jana Twardowskiego, Miry Grelichowskiej i Elżbiety Szemplińskiej. Adze Zaryan w studio towarzyszy trio w składzie: Michał Tokaj – autor muzyki (fortepian), Michał Barański (kontrabas), Łukasz Żyta (perkusja) wzbogacone brzmieniem dodatkowych instrumentów: harfy, oboju i sekcji smyczków. --- muzyka.onet.pl

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Thu, 24 May 2012 16:39:07 +0000
Aga Zaryan w Trojce (2007) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/12270-aga-zaryan-w-trojce-2007.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/12270-aga-zaryan-w-trojce-2007.html Aga Zaryan w Trojce 2007

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1. Aga Zaryan w Trojce

Live Broadcast, Polish Radio 3


Gifted vocalist Aga Zaryan conveys the finest of the history of jazz to today's audiences, continuing the traditions of great artists like Shirley Horn, Carmen McRae and Joni Mitchell. Aga Zaryan is a producer and lyricist but first and foremost, a highly charismatic artist and personality. She has been successful in integrating ambitious artistic goals with popular appeal, recording four albums to date, all of which have earned gold, platinum or multi-platinum status in Poland. In 2008 she was honored with the Polish music industry's most prestigious prize - the Fryderyk Chopin Award. She was nominated for the title of Woman of The Year 2008 by Gazeta Wyborcza-Wysokie Obcasy, one of Poland's most influential and widely circulated newspapers. Aga was also named Jazz Vocalist of The Year in the European Jazz Forum Magazine's yearly Jazz Top readers' poll in 2007, 2008 and 2009. She has appeared in clubs and at festivals in Poland, England, the USA, Germany, Norway, Israel, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Norway, France, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Turkey, Portugal, Russia and Iceland. ---zaryan.com

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Mon, 28 May 2012 15:56:20 +0000
Aga Zaryan – Ksiega Olsnien (2011) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/12286-aga-zaryan-ksiega-olsnien-2011.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/12286-aga-zaryan-ksiega-olsnien-2011.html Aga Zaryan – Ksiega Olśnień (2011)

1. Muzyka Jak Woda
2. Jak Niedźwiedź Przy Niedźwiedzicy/Zasypianie/Śpiące Rzęsy
3. To Jedno (Duet Z Grzegorzem Turnauem)
4. Przepaska Na Oczy
5. Jesienna Pigwa
6. Sens
7. Dar
8. Przypowieść O Maku
9. Mówię Do Swego Ciała
10. Piosenka O Końcu Świata,
11. O Modlitwie
12. Ten Świat

Aga Zaryan – vocals
Michał Tokaj - piano
Larry Koonse – guitar
Darryl Monyungo Jackson – drums
Dariusz Oles Oleszkiewicz - bass


This is the seventh album by Polish Jazz vocalist Aga Zaryan and a close companion to the album "A Book Of Luminous Things", released a few months earlier. If fact these two albums are identical as far as their instrumental contents is concerned, with the difference being that this album features lyrics in the Polish language, as opposed to its predecessor, which featured lyrics in English. Another slight difference is the fact that Polish Jazz vocalist Grzegorz Turnau guests on one song. I suggest to the reader to check out my review of "A Book Of Luminous Things" in order to explore the background information about these two albums and their relation to the poetry of Czeslaw Milosz as well as the information about the musicians involved in the recording.

One should not, however, assume that this is just a Polish language version of the same album. Language, and therefore consequently vocals, are intertwined intimately, as I've been trying to explain since many years. Each human language has its own melodic expression, flow, sensitivity, coloristic, sonority, etc. As a result the same song, sung in two different languages, simply "splits" into two separate entities, which can vary tremendously. This is even more obvious and evident in the case where the lyrics of the song are based on a poem, like all the songs here.

Most of the poems used as lyrics of these songs were originally written in Polish, which of course means that their "true" nature is full of the intricacies specific to that language, which are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to be translated into any other language. Just four of the songs here were translated from their original English version into Polish, which means that the majority of the poetry used appears in its original form. This fact has a tremendous influence on the result, which is quite different from the earlier version of the album.

Of course Jazz & Poetry is a very specific sub-genre, which demands a certain sensitivity and cultural background from its fans and avid followers, but even more so from the Artists involved. Zaryan brings forward her sensitivities, which are somehow, at least to me, much more complex and diversified in the Polish version of these songs. Her ability to play around with the words, juggle syllables, change accents and stretch notes are simply masterly herein. The very fact that these two albums use the same instrumental playback means that she managed to put together this album by surmounting such problems as different word lengths, accents, keeping the melodic lines intact and still manage to sound honest, moving and convincing. Definitely a victory of mind over matter!

Yes I personally prefer this version over the English language, not because it is "better" in any sense, but simply because as a natural Polish speaker it penetrates deeper into my psyche. People, who are not blessed with the knowledge of the Polish language, will definitely prefer the English version, in order to enjoy both the fabulous music and the wonderful poetry on their terms.

My admiration of Zaryan's awareness of the importance of lyrics, which she constantly demonstrates during her career, cannot be overstated. Her understanding that the Polish version of this album is a worthy piece of Art of its own right and determination to pull it through is truly commendable. ---Adam Baruch, polish-jazz.blogspot.com


Po sukcesie komercyjnym albumu "A Book of Luminous Things" z poezją Czesława Miłosza, Aga Zaryan zdecydowała się nagrać album w wersji polskojęzycznej. Efekt jest zaskakujący, kompozycje w języku ojczystym tworzy zupełnie nową jakość. Bardzo mocnym walorem albumu jest siła przekazu i uniwersalny charakter wybranych wierszy, np. "Sens" "Piosenka o końcu świata", "Ten świat", czy zdecydowany faworyt podczas koncertów, nastrojowa balada o zabarwieniu erotycznym "Mówię do swojego ciała".

Dwanaście kompozycji do wierszy Czesława Miłosza oraz jego ulubionych poetek: Anny Świrszczyńskiej, Jane Hirshfield i Denise Levertov, tworzy zupełnie inny wizerunek noblisty. Brak w nim dystansu, patosu i hermetyczności, które często przesłaniały istotę twórczości wielkiego poety - myśliciela. Aga Zaryan we właściwy sobie sposób wprowadziła aurę muzyczno-poetyckiej magii. Wspaniałe aranżacje orkiestrowe przeplatają się z nastrojowymi balladami. Uniwersalny i głęboki charakter poezji Czesława Miłosza w połączeniu z głosem Agi Zaryan tworzą niepowtarzalny nastrój albumu. Płyta została nagrana przez światowej sławy muzyków w studiu Castle Oaks w Los Angeles oraz w Warszawie. ---empik.com

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Thu, 31 May 2012 17:14:12 +0000
Aga Zaryan – Live At Palladium (2008) http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/701-atpalladium.html http://www.theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/jazz/391-agazaryan/701-atpalladium.html Aga Zaryan – Live At Palladium (2008)

CD 1: 
1. Seventh Heaven 
2. It Might As Well Be Spring 
3. Woman's Work 
4. Throw It Away 
5. Picking Up The Pieces 
6. I Hear Music 
7. Answer Me 

CD 2:
1. Tender As A Rose 
2. Day Dream 
3. Here's To Life 
4. Suzanne 
5. Never Said (Chan's Song) / Trust Me 
6. Visions

Line Up:
Aga Zaryan - vocals
Larry Koonse - guitar
Darryl Munyungo Jackson - drums
Darek Oleszkiewicz - double bass


This double-CD/DVD album is a recording of one of the concerts that took place at Warsaw's Palladium Club during Aga Zaryan's 2008 concert tour on which she was joined by musicians who flew in from Los Angeles for the occasion. Aga opted for a somewhat atypical and rather delicate-sounding combination of instruments for the project: guitar, double bass, and percussion. The personnel were guitarist Larry Koonse, bassist Darek Oleszkiewicz, and Darryl Jackson on various percussion instruments.

The main body of the repertoire was composed of songs from the albums “Picking Up the Pieces” and “My Lullaby”, some of them with completely new arrangements that took shape over the course of the tour. The album is recognized as having truly captured the exceptional mood of these concerts, and highlights Zaryan's fluid ease in performance. Several of the pieces are sung as duets, to the accompaniment of just double bass.

The album was welcomed as quintessential jazz and a commercial success, earning triple platinum status. --- polish-jazz.blogspot.com

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administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluesever) Aga Zaryan Thu, 15 Oct 2009 15:27:38 +0000